Lisa Jones
Kara: In Suspiria, one of the characters dies when she gets tangled up in razor sharp barbed wire. In Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, LG is skinned alive. In Saw 2, one fella is burned to death in a furnace. What movie do you think had the most horrific death scene? What was the scene? Lisa: Of those two? of just anything? The most horriffic death scene...hmmm.... pause. (conversing with man friend)... okay, we'll do that one, I like that one. It was probably the woman who was impaled on the light in Dead Alive.
K: Who would you rather make out with – Leatherface or the Pit Witch from Army of Darkness? L: Pit witch. K: why? L: It's just super cool.
K: Are you more of a creepy, gory or shocking kind of gal? L: Creepy. K: What movie do you think was super creepy? L: Super creepy? Probably...The Shining, I thought was creepy. K: Gory too elevators full of blood.
Jake Biggar
Kara: In suspiria, one of the characters dies when she gets tangled up in razor sharp barbed wire. In Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, LG is skinned alive. In saw 2, one fella is burned to death in a furnace. What movie do you think had the most horrific death scene? What was the scene? Jake: Irreversible - uh, a guy - he goes to a gay bar and he gets knocked down and he gets hit in the face over and over and over again with a fire hydrant. It's the worst one ever. K: Is it really gory? J: Very very gory.
K: Who would you rather make out with – Leatherface or the Pit Witch from Army of Darkness? J: Leatherface. K: You don't think it would be too meaty tasting? J: I could get over it.
K: Are you more of a creepy, gory or shocking kind of fella? J: I like gore! K: What's your favorite gore movie? J: Favorite gore movie... uh, Dead Alive.
Kara's Horrorble Quiz
K: In the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, were you kind of happy, pretty happy, or laughing with joy when Franklin got his? J: I was laughing. He got carved.
K: Shaun of the Dead was my pick for best movie of 2004. What horror flick have you seen recently that rocked your world? J: Hostel was pretty good. I like Eli Roth a lot. K: Do you like those torture movies? J: Yeah, I do.
K: The Blair Witch Project – a landmark of the genre or all hype? J: All hype. Horrible movie. K: You weren't scared at all? J: No.
Dracula or Nosferatu? Nosferatu.
Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee? Bela Lugosi.
Hitchiker or Chop Top? Chop Top.
Ed Wood or Herschell Gordon Lewis? H.G. Lewis.
Lon Chaney or Tom Savini? Tom Savini.
Candyman or Pinhead? Pinhead
HP Lovecraft or Clive Barker? Clive Barker
Hammer Horror or Universal Monsters? Hammer
Night, Dawn, Day or Land of the Dead? Dawn
Sadako or Karen Cooper? Is
it bad that if Idon't know who either of those people are?
No, Sadako is like Samara except it's in the japanese version.. from Ringu,
and Karen Cooper is the girl from Night of the Living Dead. Oh,
yeah. Chick from Night of the Living Dead. Do you prefer her
over Exorcist girl? Yeah, definitely.
K: Shaun of the Dead was my pick for best movie of 2004. What horror flick have you seen recently that rocked your world? L: The one that I like the best was High Tension - on video though.
K: In the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, were you kind of happy, pretty happy, or laughing with joy when Franklin got his? L: Laughing with joy!
K: The Blair Witch Project – a landmark
of the genre or all hype? L: All hype.
Dracula or Nosferatu? Nosferatu.
Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee? Bela Lugosi.
Hitchiker or Chop Top? Chop Top.
Ed Wood or Herschell Gordon Lewis? Herschell
Gordon Lewis.
Lon Chaney or Tom Savini? Tom Savini.
Candyman or Pinhead? Pinhead
HP Lovecraft or Clive Barker? Lovecraft
Hammer Horror or Universal Monsters? Hammer
Night, Dawn, Day or Land of the Dead? Night
The girl from Ringu or the girl from The Exorcist? Exorcist