An Intrusion Sequel, Fri 5/13 Haunts in Texas, Days of the Dead and more 5/5/11

So. What do we have here?

Martin Landau has been added as a guest for Saturday Nightmares in New Jersey, which is coming up real soon (June 3-5). That’s a guest you don’t see popping up too often. This second year convention has turned into an absolute bonanza. And Landau was freakin’ great as Bela Lugosi in “Ed Wood” wasn’t he?

What else?

To any of our old friends back in Dallas/Fort Worth reading this, there are going to be a couple of haunted manors open next weekend for Friday the 13th. Zombie Manor and Moxley Manor. Check their websites for full details. Zombie . Moxley .

A couple of years ago we reviewed an independent movie made in Kentucky called “Intrusion” which introduced us to the Rosebud Killer and Holly, his Laurie Strode. Word has come in that production of the sequel “Intrusion: Disconnected” starts later this month and they have a teaser clip with Holly (Katie Stewart) posted on their site, to give you an idea of where this thing’s gonna go. - WATCH HERE - We’ll keep you posted on this one.

The Days of the Dead convention in Indianapolis is the first weekend in July and has to take the award for most anticipated horror convention of 2011. Or at least the most hyped. These guys (the same people that do the FromDusktillcon website) have really built a serious online buzz for their first year event. New stuff going on with this show includes the addition of a Nightmare on Elm Street prop museum, new guests announced including Reggie Bannister, a Fangoria Film festival and more. But who am I kidding? You probably already know all of this because everyone knows about this show.

Something for the haunters and haunt fans among us. Haunted Attraction Magazine has been undergoing a lot of changes in the last couple of years. After being sold they underwent a total re-design and now they are asking for some input from their readers. If you are interested, go HERE and take their survey. You can also preview full issues at their website.

That’s it for now, we’ll see you on the forum. Don't forget to hit CONTACT US on the left side of the page there if there's something you want me to write about.

- Shrub


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